About the Blog
This blog was started to follow my progress through my MA. It has been converted into a general blog about my none commercial art activities and my academic adventure. The blog is mainly concerned with the work I have produced in association with my research and academic practice and should be viewed along with my PhD blog here. I have since revived the blog now that I am participating in a Creative Writing Group with a view to completing my memoir which I started some time ago. You can also find my Poetry blog here Verse and WordsAbout Me
Ever since I developed my first roll of film in the school darkroom at the age of 14 I have been hooked on the magic of pictures. Unfortunately, a family and a career got in the way of being an artist. It was not until I had the chance to retire early that the creative cork popped out of the bottle and I have been fizzing ever since.The choices were simple, daytime TV, Golf, or scratch the creative itch. The creative itch was scratched, I enrolled for a life class, took an art foundation course, loved it, and haven't looked back. A great review of my foundation show, a bit of cheek and the kind support of Wills Art Warehouse in Putney, and a sell-out for my first show at the Battersea Art Fair gave me the creative break I needed to start a commercial practice.
However, a new career as an academic researcher and artist beckoned. A Foundation Diploma in Art and Design, a BA in Fine Art and Professional Practice, an MA in Contemporary Art Research, and then a PhD in Fine Art Practice have kept me out of mischief. I now spend much of my time upcycling timber and facilitating the occasional peripatetic art session with local schools and scribbling in my journals.
On the art front, I could be described as a “multi-media” artist; my first choice medium is photography both digital and analogue. I use the images I create as the basis for experimental multi/mixed media artwork, which ranges from transfer printing to collage and decoupage. I paint, draw, create robotic drawing machines and alternative cameras, such as pinhole and camera obscura. I create audiovisual and video artwork and computer-based generative art. I also write poetry and write the odd short story and I am slowly putting together a memoir.
The inspiration for my practice is taken from urban decay, ruin, and dereliction, which I consider to be metaphors for the frailty of memory. I am also interested in our fascination with snapshot photography and family albums, the basis for my PhD. Currently, I am exploring art as therapy, particularly for the young, the socially isolated, and those with age-related issues such as dementia. As an autodidact, I am increasingly fascinated by the pedagogy of teaching and the current debate that surrounds how we should educate our children.
I am available for commissions, project management, mentoring, and consultation. Fine art, public, and corporate art, and photography, as my website is undergoing an update to see a selection of my art and photography visit my Flickr feed.
You are never too old to live your dream! Go 4 it..........Go 4art
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